Professional Headshots – Why White Backgrounds Are So Popular

White backgrounds have turned out to be all the rage for professional headshot images of late with good reason. In this article we will talk about why white backgrounds so rapidly become the background color of choice for most professional headshots today.

To get that corporate look:

For companies keen to maintain a ‘corporate look’ to their personnel headshots, for headshots captured on different days of different people in different locations, the easiest look to always match looks is with plan white backgrounds.


In fact, white backdrops are the easiest and most flexible backdrop color choice for larger organizations, with regular hires & multiple sites, willing to maintain a unique corporate look to their headshots.

Plain white backdrops are disruption free for headshots:

Whether your San Francisco headshot photographer is shooting a black & white or color headshot, plain white is the most consistently disruption free backdrop color for headshots. When running an operation with hundreds of employees, the most ubiquitous color will be white.


Smaller screens are most productive with white background headshots:

The smaller the true size of a headshot, the more distinct the effect. Headshots these days may be seen on average between four inches on a side to something like a ¼ inch on a side on your phone screen.

The small tiny scale you see on so many headshots these days, a plain white backdrop is a massive boost keeping your face still identifiable when seen so small.

In fact, as you get smaller in size of the display, the disruption of the backdrop becomes more & more important and can make a headshot which looks fantastic on smartphone screens.


Pure white says professional headshot:

The pure white backdrop is a pretty difficult look to imitate with a selfie & should be captured by an expert or have a quite bit of post production work done to produce the pure white background look.

Hence, anybody posting a headshot with a pure white backdrop has gone an extra mile somewhere in their headshot production process & has possibly appointed a professional.

Pure white backdrops silently communicate the influential message that this headshot is a professional headshot of a business professional.


To get your Headshot photography in San Francisco done by Pro Studio J call on (415) 935-1177. We specialize in Headshots, Portraits, Events, Corporate Bios, Websites, Publications, and LinkedIn Headshots in the San Francisco Bay Area.


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